Bronze castings can be done using several techniques, such as sand casting. Some hobbyists make some mistakes that affect the quality of their sand casting outcomes. This article discusses some tips and tricks that hobbyists should keep in mind so that they produce better sand cast sculptures.

Keep the Sand Moist

The sand that is used to make a mould normally has some moisture in it. This moisture plays a crucial role in retaining the shape of the mould when you compact that sand around the mould. It is, therefore, important for you to keep that sand moist by keeping it in a sealed container when the sand isn't being used. Ask your supplier of foundry products about the appropriate moisture content so that you can add some water to your sand in case its moisture content drops below the desirable level. Buy a moisture meter for this purpose.

Mould First

You should finish moulding before you light your furnace. Why is this important? The quality of your finished work will largely depend on how well you handled the moulding stage. This moulding process can end up being rushed if you light the furnace before you complete moulding. It is, therefore, better to avoid putting yourself on pressure as you mould. Only light the furnace once you are satisfied with the mould.

Avoid Stirring Molten Metal

Some imperfections, such as porosity, in bronze casting result from the air that entered the metal when it was melting in the furnace. This air is introduced by people who stir the molten metal, for different reasons, such as confirming that all the metal has melted to the same consistency. Avoid these imperfections by not stirring the molten metal. Just let the furnace heat the metal for the recommended duration so that it all melts.

Skim the Metal

Dross normally forms on the surface of the molten metal in your furnace. That dross contains impurities that were in the bronze that you are using. Skimming that dross off just before you pour the metal into the mould gets rid of those impurities so that your finished work will have fewer blemishes.

Your bronze castings will have a higher quality if you implement the suggestions above. You may need to experiment with easier metals, such as aluminium, so that you improve your skill level before you start working with bronze. Consult bronze casting professionals for help in case you encounter challenges that you are unable to deal with during the casting process.
